October 29, 2023 Matthew 22:34-46 The Greatest Commandment and the Question about David’s Son

This week we discuss the conclusion of the conflict scene between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders at the Temple. One of the “experts in the law” asks Jesus about the “great” commandment, to which he responds with the combination of Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18, which was unprecedented. Then Jesus “turns the tables” and questions them about the identity of the “Messiah.” They are silenced, and all that is left for him to do in Matthew’s Gospel is to pronounce woes upon them.


November 5, 2023 Matthew 23:1-12 Jesus Criticizes the Scribes and Pharisees


October 22, 2023 Matthew 22:15-22 The Question about Paying Taxes