October 10, 2021 Mark 10:17-31 The Rich Man

This week we look at Jesus’ encounter with a man who asked how he could inherit eternal life, and Jesus responded by telling him to obey God’s commands. Although the man insisted he had done so, Jesus challenged him to sell his property and give the proceeds to the poor, but he was unwilling to part with his wealth. We discuss wealth as a rival to faith in God, as well as the role of the Ten Commandments in the Christian life. Christine discusses the placement of the Ten Commandments in the following images: Bruton Parish Church Williamsburg (scroll down to page “74”) and Commandment Boards in the Reformation


October 17, 2021 Mark 10:35-45 The Request of James and John


October 3, 2021 Mark 10:2-12 Teaching about Divorce