July 23, 2023 Matthew 13:24-43 Jesus Teaches in Parables

This week we discuss Matthew’s “Parables Discourse” in Matthew 13. We focus on the parable of the “Wheat and the Tares,” and the significant difficulties with the parable and the “interpretation” offered. In our opinion, this parable reflects Matthew’s situation and perhaps his apocalyptic theology rather than Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God. We also discuss John Calvin’s use of this passage, not only to support “double predestination,” but also from a “pastoral” perspective. Finally, we discuss ways to approach this difficult text in preaching.


August 6, 2023 Matthew 14:13-21 Jesus Feeds the Great Crowd


July 9, 2023 Matthew 11:16-30: The Response to the Words and Deeds of the Messiah